St Boniface
St Boniface exterior (from 'Taking Stock')
St. Boniface Catholic Church, Robin Lane, Bentham,
is served from
St. Mary & St. Michael's,
Parish Priest:
Father Francis Smith,
The Presbytery,
Tillman Close,
Craven Terrace,
North Yorkshire,
BD24 9RA
Telephone: 01729 822525
Please click here for WEEKLY BULLETIN
Click here for the Parish Facebook Page
The parish has its origins in nearby Robert Hall, Tatham, where a priest resided from 1559 all through penal times until a new mission was established at Hornby, in Lancashire. Catholic families in the area were served from there for about 50 years until the first church at Bentham was built in 1866 and the first resident priest appointed in the following year. The present church dates from 1959 and was consecrated by Bishop Konstant on the Feast of St. Boniface, 5th June 1999.
St Boniface interior (from 'Taking Stock')
Please click to view:
Taking Stock: Catholic Churches of England & Wales
(The 'Taking Stock' initiative began in 2005 and aims to assess the historical and architectural importance of every Catholic church and chapel within a diocese. The project is a partnership between the Patrimony Committee of the Bishops’ Conference, English Heritage and individual dioceses. It is part-funded by English Heritage.)
If you have envelopes please save these each week and put them into the collection once church reopens, likewise, if you are a cash giver, OR, you could post your offerings through my door.
OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT OUR PARISH - To contribute £5 to our parish Offertory, please text: Church Bentham to 70500, you will then get a text thanking you for your donation to the Diocese of Leeds, which they will identify as our parish due to the code Bentham.
OR, make a direct online payment, or set up a standing order. If you have offertory envelopes please quote your envelope number as a reference. Our bank details are: Name: Diocese of Leeds St Boniface, High Bentham
Sort Code: 40-27-15 Account No. 61110403
Many thanks for your continued support and generosity. Fr. Frank
Mass Times
St Mary & St Michael
Saturday (Vigil) 5.30pm
Sunday 11.15am
Tuesday 10.00am
Thursday 10.00am
St Boniface
Sunday 9.15am
Wednesday 10.00am
Friday 10.00am
Mass is live streamed on Facebook on FrFrank Smith page
Latest Guidance from the Diocese